Power–Good Lord

It’s all about power. Lindsay Graham nailed it. For a refresher course in standing up for the right thing, watch this raw emotion exhibited during the Kavanaugh hearings by clicking here. I am not going to bask in the light of being right, but for reference, and if you missed the 23 September blog, you may review same here. I understand why the radical left will never accept what happened. As Senator Graham so ably expressed, the dye was cast the minute the Judge was appointed. Chuck Schumer made it clear that they would oppose him no matter what the cost. Good Lord; he certainly lived up to his word! That said, I will never understand how otherwise reasonable people bought into the democrat smear machine hook, line, and sinker. It’s an art form. If you doubt me, just listen to Nancy Pelosi explain how they do it by clicking on this link. That is all I am going to say about the recent Kavanaugh hearings.

Let’s move on; something the left is completely unwilling to do. The narrative is changing. Now they want to focus on the electoral college. The left can’t let go of the fact that democrats can win the popular vote, and lose the election. Good Lord. The electoral college is there to make sure Presidents are elected with and by the consent of the people. The democrats own the cities. Hmmmm. I wonder why? Could it be that the cities are where the greatest mass of people living on entitlements are gathered? And just think, with endless open borders and voting rights for people who aren’t even American, (which is now a platform issue for democrats from coast to coast) can you imagine that situation changing?

The new darling of the left (28 year old Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez) thinks the electoral college should be abolished. She doesn’t quite have her facts straight, but since when did facts get in the way of a good socialist narrative? Watch this brief narrative about the issue here.

Let’s just make sure we all remember why a popular vote is a horrible idea. Sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words. You see, if we ever abandoned the genius of the electoral college, the little bits of blue below would dictate who our President is. So folks, whenever you hear a democrat ranting about the need to eliminate the electoral college, just remember why. It’s all about Power. 






I will conclude with a more parochial note. Several friends here at home in Texas are enthralled with the young hipster, Beto O’Rouke. He is the rising star of the left taking on Ted Cruz in the US Senate race. I do not write to discuss the merits of the young novice versus Ted Cruz. Mr. Cruz is not a personal friend, and he has done any number of things to annoy me. But that simply is not the point. A Senate seat is not a popularity contest. At the end of the day, he/she/they/ze who controls the Senate controls policy. A vote for Beto is a vote for anarchy. It is that simple. You don’t have to like Ted Cruz, but you need to realize what the loss of a Senate seat means to the direction in which the United States could head. The barbarians are at the gate. They hate capitalism. They detest success. They want to endlessly redistribute earnings. I could actually make a case that the likes of Pelosi and Schumer know better, but it would not matter. They have decided the road to power lies with a hard turn to the left, and they are willing to say and do anything to regain the holy grail; power. If you are thinking about voting for Beto because he just seems like a nice guy, please think again. There is far more at stake.

Senator Graham nailed it . It’s all about Power. The dems want it, and will stop at nothing to obtain it. Good Lord.

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