Time for a Change

Welcome to Pierce Wire!

Yes, Opine Needles has officially been retired. For over four years, we have worked to deliver information and opinion to our readers. As we look ahead to the midterm 2014 elections, and the 2016 Presidential race, it is time to redirect our message, theme(s) and approach.

Pierce Wire will use more analytics and data to develop themes around our American Exceptionalsim and its latter day attendant challenges.

There is so much at stake for our magnificent country. The issues are myriad and complex. But we must not shy away from them. Indeed, the greater the challenge, the greater will be Pierce Wire’s resolve.

Let there be no mistake; I am unabashedly Republican. Any prior Opine Needles (ON) reader will know that. But whereas ON’s focus was almost entirely on the US economy and foreign affairs, and while we will continue to address those ongoing issues of the day, we will also endeavor to become one of America’s “go-to” sites for relevant and pertinent information.

In short, our message will be aimed at Republicans, Democrats, Independents, men, women, whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians, you name it. You see, we all have an interest in fixing those things that ail our country. I believe the Republican philosophy is that which offers the United States its best hope. But you know and I know that the Republican Party is not unified, and disagrees as much with itself as it does the democrats! Pierce Wire will separate the wheat from the chaff as it outlines a winning strategy for Republicans and our country.

All of us are victims of information overload. Our lives are cluttered with far too much noise. Pierce Wire will be a home for those who seek a safe port in the angry seas of informational noise. Through the presentation of information, data, and opinion, we hope to help you navigate those noisy seas; our ultimate goal is to help you make informed decisions when you exercise your most important right as an American; the right to vote!

I might also add that Pierce Wire will not inundate you with ads, and costs nothing to read. Now that’s one way to separate the wheat from the chaff!

Thanks for reading this inaugural message.

Much More to Follow!